We are Arundell.

Mechancial Contractors, proudly serving London, Essex and the surrounding areas.

Full service design & build mechanical contractors

  • Design

    Our experienced team of CAD & BIM technicians develop designs that ensure the most effective results for your project.

  • Build

    Our mechanical service specialists carry out a full range of installations, from commercial fit-outs to refurbs and everything in between.

Quality work supported by personal service

Specialising in projects ranging from minor works to a million in scope, we’re the ones you rely on to get the job done. 

Our in-house team design and deliver a wide range of solutions, including commercial fit-outs and refurbishments. Whatever your requirements, we can deliver. 

Drawing on decades of experience, we help you cut costs without sacrificing quality, so you get the most efficient solution that meets your needs. 

Make sure your project gets the attention it deserves with a dedicated team from tender to completion. And, with one contact for all your needs, you get fast, responsive service every step of the way.

Here’s what others say about us…


Talk to us about your project

If you feel like we’re the right team for you, reach out. We're happy to discuss the project details and see if we're a good fit, whether you're in the tendering stage or simply planning for the future.